
Steps and workflow of central tendency point to a single value that defines a set of data. It performs this by figuring out the central point of that data set. It is also called measure of a central location, and it is basically a calculation that tells us where the middle of a data set is.

Measures of central tendency are the core of the data studying process. The technical person working on the Six Sigma process studies the data and statistics from the measures of central tendency to proceed further.

Explain different kinds of variations in Six Sigma.

– The mean, also called the average, is the most used of all the measures of central tendency. Since the values are counted, the tools are applicable for a limited number of applications. The variations are measured as well as compared using the mean techniques of mathematics in this process. lean six sigma black belt certification

– Positional averages are the calculative position of a given record in a number series, arranged in ascending or descending order. This basically works by getting the highest value and the lowest value in a number series, adding them together and then dividing the value by two to get averages like how the most average calculation works. It divides the series group into two equal parts. One part holding all greater numbers from the series, and the rest of the values are less than the median.

– The mode is basically a value that occurs again and again like a loop. It is an actual value, where other items are concentrated around, and they differ as to the value changes due to its regular occurrence.

– Range depends on the highest rate and lowest values for a specific date range. It is basically the length of the number sequence or data set which has a specific value.

Thoroughly differentiate between the Six Sigma DMAIC and DMADV methodologies.

DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, where DMADV stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify.

When a new and non-existing product needs to be developed, and an entirely new business process needs to be developed for product development, organizations prefer DMADV methodology whereas, if a process or product already exists but still needs to meet the standard of Six Sigma level and customer expectations, DMAIC method is used. DMAIC is the most common and extensively used methodology for the optimization of product making processes from these two methods. An old company using old process optimizing tools usually migrate to Six Sigma by DMAIC methodology to optimize their product-making process.

What are Cpk and Ppk?

Cpk stands for process capability index, which helps calculate how close a process or function is executing to its specification limits, compared to the default variability of that function.

Whereas PPC stands for a process performance index that checks if the sample generated from the process can meet customer’s characteristics that are Critical To Quality or not. The difference lies in verifying the capability to the specification limit and verifying the performance of the process.

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology exclusively meant for improving performance that involves removing unwanted and unexplainable stuff that does not add any absolute value to the process and helps reduce the variables. This idea depends on collaborative teamwork and effort. Lean Six Sigma promises a high-quality output and immense customer satisfaction.

Here are some of the lean tools used extensively: Kaizen, Poka-yoke, FMEA, Value Stream Mapping

Explain FMEA

FMEA stands for Failure Mode Effects Analysis. It is a tool to identify and locate risks within a Six Sigma process or product which is priorities to make the error correction process accurate. This tool helps to take the essential steps for mitigating the risk.

Explain ARMI or RASI

ARMI stands for Approver, Resource, Member, and Interested Party. It is basically a tool meant for the employee who is assigned a specific task and their roles and responsibility to that particular project. This tool can allocate tasks to a specific user and act as a reminder and notifier to the respective user when a project is assigned to them.

What is the Pareto Principle?

The Pareto principle or the 80-20 Rule states that, for any occurrence, nearly 80 per cent of the results evaluate from 20 per cent of the problems. It focuses on 20 per cent of the trial outcome to validate 80 per cent of the result. We can also see as 20 per cent of the highly effective data is more reliable and valuable than 80 per cent of the data.

Masri serves as the Chief Content Editor at BestKodiTips. With three years of experience, she excels in creating technical content, focusing on how-to guides, Android and Kodi tutorials, app reviews, and addressing common technological challenges. She ensures to stay abreast of the latest tech updates. Outside of work, Masri finds pleasure in reading books, watching documentaries, and engaging in table tennis.

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