Welcome to the Planet MMA Kodi addon blog. The Planet MMA Kodi Add-on is the new rebranded UFC Finest Add-on which has been around for a while now. It brings a whole group of UFC content directly to your Kodi box! In addition to past events, episodes, and documentaries, it has a live section which power be interesting to check out during the next event. If you are MMA lover then this is a must have addon for you. Go through the install guide and install it right now.
The Planet MMA Add-on is not officially supported. You will want to stay away from the Kodi forum for this one. If you have questions then you can reach out to the developer for the latest updates to the project.
Formally UFC Finest, the Planet MMA add-on from Detective Kode is in our opinion, the most absolute and dedicated MMA reporting Add-on obtainable for Kodi right now.
How to install Planet MMA on Kodi
- First go to Home screen
- Select System
- Select File Manager
- Add Source
- Enter http://ares-repo.eu/ in the top box
- Enter ARES PROJECT in the bottom box
- Select OK
- Go Back to the home screen
- Select System
- Select DIMI
- Install from zip
- Select repository.aresproject-x.x.x.zip
- Wait for notification
- Install from repository
- Select Video addons
- Click on Planet MMA
- Select Install
- Wait forAddon enabled notification
- Addon Installed successfully