FDJ.HD provides a wide range of HD video content for Kodi users. There are various categories for your endless entertainment.
It is a complete package addon where you can access multiple HD content options in sports, Humor, Movies, Games, short films, radio, podcasts, documentaries, and more—the new FDJ.HD Kodi addon is located in the FrenchDJ repository of Kodi and is compatible with the latest version of Kodi.
FDJ.HD Kodi addon scraps content from third-party websites over the internet and displays it in front of you. Below is the detailed step-by-step guide to install FDJ.HD addon on your favorite and preferred streaming device.
Table of Content
How to Install FDJ.HD Kodi Addon
- Select add-ons and then click on the Settings button
- Select add-ons and click on “Enable Unknown Sources.”
- Go back to Home and select Settings
- Select File Manager and then “Add Source.”
- In the top box, enter https://kodifitzwell.github.io/repo/, and then kodifitzwell in the bottom box.
- Click OK and go back to Home
- Select Addons and then click on “Add-on Browser.”
- Click on install from the zip file, click on kodifitzwell, and then select repository.kodifitzwell-0.0.1.zip
- Wait for the addon-enabled notification.
- Select “Install from repository.”
- Click on kodifitzwell Repository
- Select Video add-ons
- Search for POV and install it
- Wait for the addon-enabled notification
- All done; POV addon is not successfully installed and is ready to use.