
Comparing Gaming Devices

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The popularity of online video gaming shows no sign of slowing down. Even when the economic climate is not at its best, gamers look to acquire new titles and equipment almost as soon as they are released.

As a result, the gaming industry continues to produce billions of dollars in revenue, while the big players look to keep improving their output. While they are often overlooked, gaming devices are the most important pieces of tech for a gamer to own.

Without such equipment we wouldn’t be able to access those games, but which devices are the best?

Every Base Covered

Video games cover every possible genre. There are those classic titles making their way into professional eSports such as Call of Duty, League of Legends and DOTA 2. FIFA is another game that is played professionally and it’s just one of many popular games with a sporting theme.

Some games can also be played by single players in order to pass the time. Classic card games such as Solitaire and Bridge are two such examples. Other titles such as blackjack and poker can be found at online casinos which will also list roulette and a host of online slots. A list of operators is published at so players can quickly locate their favorite card and slot games. 

Classic arcade games such as Tetris still have a loyal following, while our favorite characters, including Mario and Sonic can also be included on the list of popular titles. The choice is almost endless, but which device is best for gameplay?

The Choice

Regarding options, there are four main methods by which video games can be accessed. These are:

  • Console
  • Mobile
  • Laptop
  • Tablet

Each has benefits in terms of gaming, but should you be using one particular format over the rest?

When Console is Best

It can certainly be argued that a gaming console is the best option for certain titles. When you’re playing blockbuster, high drama options within certain genres, it’s hard to argue with that assessment.

Let’s consider some of the major MOBA or ‘shoot ‘em up’ titles such as Counter Striker: Global Offensive or DOTA 2. These games work best with a big screen and high end equipment which allow for top class sound and graphics. While the developers may say that these games have been optimized for mobile, the smaller devices can’t hope to offer those same big screen production values. 

In complex games such as these where the landscape plays such an important role. A console is the way to go.

The Case for Mobile

In terms of convenience, there can only be one winner. When we’re on the go, we’re not planning to take our consoles with us, so the smartphone really is the only option.

Whether stuck on a train or waiting for friends in a bar, the mobile phone is the best ally in this instance. Even when playing at home, however, there are occasions when a smartphone is best.

Slimmed down arcade games fit neatly into smaller devices. Those that don’t have amazing graphics will not lose any gameplay experience on the smaller screens. In this sense, there is an argument to suggest that a smartphone is the best gaming device. It’s certainly versatile and can be used in more situations than any of its competitors.

The Best of the Rest

Tablets and laptops each have a role to play in video gaming. Those who are traveling may prefer the slightly larger screen that a tablet device offers. Depending on the exact product that you are using, it may still be convenient enough to slip into your pocket or your bag.

Laptops offer less flexibility, but they can be useful in a number of different situations. If you’re taking a break from work but don’t have time to load up the console, it’s easy to log on and play a few games. The same can apply to desktop computers. In those cases where you just have a few minutes to spare, these are more convenient options than a console which makes more demands on your time.

Your choice of game device may be adapted to suit your situation. For example, if you’re traveling on the train and want to play a few rounds of Candy Crush, your mobile phone is the best option.

In contrast, for an all-action game that demands a big screen experience, a console is the better product in this case. Laptops and tablets fit in between those two extremes, according to personal preference.

In short, the perfect gaming device is the one that suits your particular needs at a specific point in time. Each of those four options has a place in the gaming landscape, but make sure you fit the device to the game in order to enhance your enjoyment.

Masri serves as the Chief Content Editor at BestKodiTips. With three years of experience, she excels in creating technical content, focusing on how-to guides, Android and Kodi tutorials, app reviews, and addressing common technological challenges. She ensures to stay abreast of the latest tech updates. Outside of work, Masir finds pleasure in reading books, watching documentaries, and engaging in table tennis.

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